Benefit sharing and the governance of natural resources extraction on indigenous territories: contributions and limitations for Latin America


  • Gonzalo Bustamante-Rivera Universidad de La Frontera, Chile
  • Thibault Martin†



Governance, indigenous peoples, natural resources-exploitation, benefit sharing, Latin America.


Benefit sharing is a type of governance of natural resources extraction on indigenous lands where extractive industries share directly with affected communities a part of the benefits of the project. Within the core of these debates we find the role of the State regarding extractive projects, the asymmetry character of direct negotiations between communities and extractive industries, the real outcomes for communities and the nature of these negotiations to agree benefit sharing. Their implications for Latin America are discussed.


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How to Cite

Bustamante-Rivera, G., & Martin†, T. (2018). Benefit sharing and the governance of natural resources extraction on indigenous territories: contributions and limitations for Latin America. Perfiles Latinoamericanos, 26(52).


