Climate change and multilevel governance in Uruguay: perceptions after ten years of the Sistema Nacional de Respuesta al Cambio Climático
climate change, public policy, Sistema Nacional de Respuesta al Cambio Climático, governance, Uruguay, Northeast regionAbstract
After ten years of existence of the National Climate Change and Variability Response System (snrcc, for its Spanish acronym) in Uruguay, this paper analyzes the cleavages between the perceptions of international, national and local actors of the Uruguayan Northeast region (Rivera, Tacuarembó and Cerro Largo) related to climate change challenges. Adopting a qualitative methodology the paper examines their views on policies and mechanisms of climate change governance, focusing some aspects such as articulation and participation. Doing so, the paper aims at generating inputs for the discussion about the design of policies for mitigation and adaptation to this phenomenon in Uruguay and in the region considered here.
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