Styles of purchase, attitudes toward money, and materialism in Chilean and Ecuadorian adolescents




adolescents, consumer styles, attitude towards money, materialism, gender, Santiago de Chile, Quito, Ecuador


The aim of this research is to compare the effect of the incorporation of the neoliberal model according to gender and city of origin of the participants, from the variables of consumption styles, attitude towards money and materialism in adolescents from Santiago and Quito. The sample consisted of 799 adolescents of both sexes between 14 and 19 years of age, residents of both countries through a two-stage conglomerate sampling. The results pointed out differences by gender and city related to purchase impulsiveness, being men from Quito more impulsive; therefore, in relation to purchase attitude differences was found by gender, men give more power status and personal happiness to the successful purchase.


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Author Biographies

Marianela del Carmen Denegri Coria, Universidad de La Frontera

Directora del Núcleo Científico Tecnológico en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, Universidad de La Frontera (Temuco, Chile)

Jorge Torres Acosta, Universidad de La Frontera

Miembro del Centro de Excelencia en Psicología Económica y del Consumo (Chile)

Manuel Correa Abarzúa, Universidad de La Frontera

Psicólogo por la Universidad de La Frontera

Valentina González Rodríguez, Universidad de La Frontera

Psicóloga  por la Universidad de La Frontera

Javiera Toro Lavanderos, Universidad de La Frontera

Psicóloga por la Universidad de La Frontera

Pamela Salazar Valenzuela, Universidad de La Frontera

Gestora organizacional, Dirección de Calidad, Universidad de La Frontera

Leonor Riquelme Segura, Universidad de La Frontera

Académica, Departamento de Trabajo Social, Universidad de La Frontera

José Sepúlveda Maldonado, Universidad de La Frontera

Investigador, Núcleo Científico Tecnológico en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, Universidad de La Frontera


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How to Cite

Denegri Coria, M. del C. ., Torres Acosta, J., Correa Abarzúa, M., González Rodríguez, V., Toro Lavanderos, J., Salazar Valenzuela, P., … Sepúlveda Maldonado, J. (2021). Styles of purchase, attitudes toward money, and materialism in Chilean and Ecuadorian adolescents . Perfiles Latinoamericanos, 29(58).


