The Trade–Unionist Action of Automotive Workers in Argentina from the Post-Devaluation to the Present Crisis


  • Sebastián Guevara Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Buenos Aires



union reactivation, labor conflict, bargaining.


This paper analyzes the characteristics that shaped the actions of the employees of the automotive companies in Argentina during the growth process of the industry until the beginning of the current crisis, in order to contribute to knowledge of the prospects and limitations of those actions. From the viewpoint of industrial relations, changes took place at the level of employment and wages during the period of reactivation of collective bargaining. However, in this same period, assemblies in workplaces, public events, rallies and strikes proliferated. This was the context in which the actions of union auto workers became highly visible.

Despite this increased mobilization and its impact in terms of employment and wages, the basis on which negotiations are carried out does not seem to have changed substantially. The patterns of flexibility in the purchase and use of the work force remains in force.


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How to Cite

Guevara, S. (2010). The Trade–Unionist Action of Automotive Workers in Argentina from the Post-Devaluation to the Present Crisis. Perfiles Latinoamericanos, 18(36), 121–141.


