The Conflicting Link between Institutionalized Participation and Trust: the Case of Buenos Aires


  • Matías Lanau Universidad de Buenos Aires



participation, trust, public authorities, citizenship, government, democracy.


This paper explores the relationship between trust and institutionalized participation. Trust is defined as a subjective expectation about the world that can be disappointed. It is assumed to be related to time, authority, and knowledge. Further, it allows for a retrospective evaluation. In light of this definition, we first analyze the links between participation and trust in established relations between public authorities and citizens in liberal democracies. Next, we examine how institutionalized participation is currently conceived as an efficient tool for overcoming citizens' mistrust of political authorities and institutions. Finally, we argue that participation does not assuage that mistrust, but transforms the nature of the relationship between authorities and citizens, giving rise to what might be characterized as a "government of mistrust".


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How to Cite

Lanau, M. (2009). The Conflicting Link between Institutionalized Participation and Trust: the Case of Buenos Aires. Perfiles Latinoamericanos, 17(34), 111–124.


