Political opportunities and frameworks for contention in the Conacyt-Siintracatedras conflict: The dispute for the defense of labor rights in the Humanities, Science, Technology and Innovation sector





frame analysis, collective action master frame, structure of political opportunity, populism, civil sphere


Within a wider political conflict among scientists and the scientific community in Mexico, the National Council of Science and Technology has maintained a political conflict with Siintracatedras, an independent workers union that publicly has claimed labor rights as its main demand. However, the conflict between both political and social actors became critical in 2021 and their public positions became polarized. Since then, there is any chance of dialogue. To understand how both actors framed their political positions, we proceed through a frame analysis. An epistemological assumption of this analysis is that while Conacyt built up its narrative based on a populist collective action master frame, Siintracatedras part of departure was based on the changes in the structure of political opportunities.


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Author Biographies

Erick Galán Castro, Universidad Veracruzana

Doctor de Investigación en Ciencias Sociales por la Flacso México. Investigador por México Conahcyt comisionado en el Instituto de Investigaciones Histórico-Sociales de la Universidad Veracruzana (México).

Edgar Guerra, Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas

Doctor en Sociología por la Universidad de Bielefeld (Alemania). Investigador por México Conahcyt.


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How to Cite

Galán Castro, E., & Guerra, E. (2024). Political opportunities and frameworks for contention in the Conacyt-Siintracatedras conflict: The dispute for the defense of labor rights in the Humanities, Science, Technology and Innovation sector. Perfiles Latinoamericanos, 32(64). https://doi.org/10.18504/pl3264-007-2024


