Identidades políticas: el enfoque histórico y el método biográfico


  • Laura Loeza Reyes Centro de Investigaciones Interdisciplinarias en Ciencias y Humanidades



civil organizations, political socialization, biographical narrative, identiy change, political change, political careers.


This article retakes some of the classic European views on the usefulness of the historical perspective and biographical narrative for the analysis of social actors’ identities. The empirical reference is the leading elite of Mexican civil organizations. Based on biographical data, this study focuses on the political careers and socialization processes of that elite, with the aim of exploring the relations between the dynamics of actors’ identities and the process of political change in the regime, to which they have directed their repertoire of collective actions.


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How to Cite

Loeza Reyes, L. (2007). Identidades políticas: el enfoque histórico y el método biográfico. Perfiles Latinoamericanos, 14(29), 111–136.


