La transición a la democracia en el tlcan: un significante vacío


  • Ariadna Estévez-López Centro de Investigaciones sobre América del Norte



hegemonic articulation, empty signifier, democratic transition, civil organizations, free trade.


At the beginning of the 1990s, Mexico’s social movements and civil organizations acted jointly in the struggle against free trade, making use of the democratic transition as an identification point for the construction of a collective identity. At that national juncture, the transition to democracy became a mobilizing factor for the left and led to the joining up of diverse identities in the organized struggle against economic liberalization. However, democracy was reduced to its minimal expression and was thus increasingly less able to integrate civil society. Once clean elections took place, which resulted in ruling party alternation, democracy was discarded as a point of articulation.


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How to Cite

Estévez-López, A. (2007). La transición a la democracia en el tlcan: un significante vacío. Perfiles Latinoamericanos, 14(29), 187–217.


