Reflexiones socioantropológicas sobre el Estado


  • Luis Rodríguez Castillo Centro para la Gestión Loal y Planeación Regional CIESAS-Sureste



theory of State, State formation, hegemony.


The thesis of weakness to State has been axis explanatory to the causes of origins the crisis of Latin American States. I support that analytic perspective to be implied by these proposals are incomplete. The analysis of the State formations; that is, practices of concrete interaction (networks, clienteles, i.e.) to the agents, which they are not understand isolated to the presence of another institutions, are one alternative harmonious with the anthropological argument to document real people, making real things, within real context to study of social relations which to shape that we named State.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Castillo, L. (2006). Reflexiones socioantropológicas sobre el Estado. Perfiles Latinoamericanos, 13(28), 185–212.


