Bolivia: New Presidential Electoral System and Political Parties Coordination


  • Mario Torrico FLACSO México



Bolivia, electoral systems, executive-legislative relations, political parties, political perceptions, institutional design


This article analyzes the incentives generated by presidential electoral systems in Bolivia. The system that was in place until 2005 led to the formation of coalition governments that aimed at giving the Executive the majority in Congress. However, these coalitions gradually lost the electorate confidence, and citizens sought alternative political options to major parties from the early nineties on, giving rise to a social dissatisfaction with democracy. This, in turn, led to the resignation of Sánchez de Lozada and, later, to the triumph of Evo Morales. The new electoral system for electing the president, included in the 2009 Constitution, increases the likelihood that the elected government does not have a majority in Congress. Similar situations in the past led to political crisis and anticipation of elections. In a more favorable context characterized by greater satisfaction with democracy and their parties, the challenge is to take decisions inclusively, something unprecedented in Bolivian politics.


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How to Cite

Torrico, M. (2015). Bolivia: New Presidential Electoral System and Political Parties Coordination. Perfiles Latinoamericanos, 22(43), 77–102.


