Aprendizaje tecnológico en la industria química mexicana


  • Daniel Villavicencio
  • Rigas Arvanitis
  • Liliana Minsberg


The world stage characterized by the globalization of markets and technological enterprise has created a framework of action for businesses on new bases of competition, which mainly tests their capacity for innovation and their interaction with an environment that is at the same time the prime mover of innovation. This article presents the results of research into the Mexican chemical industry, with the aim of inquiring into the capacity for technological learning that the firms in this industrial sector have managed to accumulate throughout their existence, the relationship between them and innovative activities that we would qualify as moderate, and the prospects of their becoming more intensely innovative.


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How to Cite

Villavicencio, D., Arvanitis, R., & Minsberg, L. (1995). Aprendizaje tecnológico en la industria química mexicana. Perfiles Latinoamericanos, 4(7), 121–148. Retrieved from https://perfilesla.flacso.edu.mx/index.php/perfilesla/article/view/435




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